
Are you fitting in at least 150 minutes (2.5 hours) of heart-pumping physical activity per week? If not, you’re not alone. 只有大约五分之一的成年人和青少年有足够的锻炼来保持身体健康. Being more active can help all people think, 感觉和睡眠更好,更容易完成日常任务. 如果你久坐不动,少坐是一个很好的开始.

These recommendations are based on the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, 2nd edition, published by the U.S. 卫生和公众服务部疾病预防和健康促进办公室. 他们建议我们需要多少体力活动才能保持健康. 该指南基于支持身体活动与健康之间联系的现有科学证据, overall health and well-being, disease prevention and quality of life.

AHA Physical Activity Recommendations InfographicRecommendations for Adults

  • Get at least 150 minutes per week 中等强度的有氧运动或每周75分钟的剧烈有氧运动, or a combination of both, preferably spread throughout the week.
  • 每周至少2天进行中强度到高强度的肌肉强化活动(如阻力或举重).
  • Spend less time sitting. 即使是低强度的活动也能抵消久坐带来的一些风险.
  • 每周至少运动300分钟(5小时)会获得更多的好处.
  • Increase amount and intensity gradually over time.

Recommendations for Kids

  • 3-5岁的孩子应该积极锻炼身体,全天都有足够的活动机会.
  • 6-17岁的孩子应该每天至少进行60分钟中等到高强度的体育活动, mostly aerobic.
  • 包括每周至少3天的高强度运动.
  • 包括每周至少3天的肌肉和骨骼强化(负重)活动.
  • Increase amount and intensity gradually over time.

A Little Means A Lot

Moving (even just a little) improves your heart health. 捐赠(哪怕是一点点)可以改善无数人的生活.

What is intensity?

体育活动是任何运动你的身体和燃烧卡路里. 这包括散步、爬楼梯和伸展运动.

有氧运动(或“有氧运动”)可以提高你的心率,并通过改善心肺健康对你的心脏有益. When done at moderate intensity, 你的心跳会更快,呼吸会比平时更困难, but you’ll still be able to talk. Think of it as a medium or moderate amount of effort.

Examples of moderate-intensity aerobic activities:

  • brisk walking (at least 2.5 miles per hour)
  • water aerobics
  • dancing (ballroom or social)
  • gardening
  • tennis (doubles)
  • biking slower than 10 miles per hour

剧烈的运动可以让你的身体更进一步. They will require a higher amount of effort. You’ll probably get warm and begin to sweat. 你说得太多就会上气不接下气.

Examples of vigorous-intensity aerobic activities:

  • hiking uphill or with a heavy backpack
  • running
  • swimming laps
  • aerobic dancing
  • heavy yardwork like continuous digging or hoeing
  • tennis (singles)
  • cycling 10 miles per hour or faster
  • jumping rope

Knowing your target heart rate can also help you track the intensity of your activities.

For maximum benefits, 在你的日常活动中包括中等强度和高强度的活动,以及加强和伸展运动.

What if I’m just starting to get active?

如果你还达不到每周150分钟,也不用担心. Everyone has to start somewhere. Even if you've been sedentary for years, 今天是你开始在生活中做出健康改变的日子. Set a reachable goal for today. 当你变得更强壮时,你可以通过增加锻炼沙巴足球体育平台来达到建议的运动量. 不要让全有或全无的想法阻止你每天做你能做的事.

最简单的运动和改善健康的方法就是开始走路. 它是免费的,简单的,可以在任何地方做,甚至在适当的地方.

Any amount of movement is better than none. 你可以在一天中把它分成几次小的活动. 每天几次快步走五到十分钟就可以了.

If you have a chronic condition or disability, 在做出太多改变之前,和你的医疗保健提供者谈谈什么类型和数量的体育活动适合你. But don’t wait! 从今天开始,少坐多动,不管你觉得怎样都可以.


科学研究表明,不运动和久坐会增加患心脏病的风险, type 2 diabetes, colon and lung cancers, and early death.


Here are some of the big wins:

  • Lower risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, dementia and Alzheimer’s, several types of cancer, and some complications of pregnancy
  • 更好的睡眠,包括改善失眠和阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停
  • 提高认知能力,包括记忆力、注意力和处理速度
  • 减少体重增加、肥胖和相关的慢性健康状况
  • 更好的骨骼健康和平衡,减少跌倒受伤的风险
  • Fewer symptoms of depression and anxiety
  • Better quality of life and sense of overall well-being

So what are you waiting for? Let’s get moving!

Share an infographic of the Physical Activity Recommendations for Adults and the Physical Activity Recommendations for Kids